About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) and the University of Hawaiʻi Economic Research Organization (UHERO) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. I serve as the Hawaiʻi Community Reinvestment Corporation (HCRC) Professor of Affordable Housing Economics, Policy, and Planning. I am also a Research Affiliate at New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy.


Ph.D. in Economics

Duke University

B.A. in Mathematical Economics

University of Pennsylvania

Working Papers

  • Cost of Housing Vouchers: How Increased Access to Opportunity Can Pay for Itself
  • solo-authored
    [Draft coming soon!] | [Abstract]
  • Improving Access to Opportunity: Housing Vouchers and Residential Equilibrium
  • solo-authored
    Presentation: AREUEA 2024, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Indiana University, KER 2023, KIET, KIF, NARSC 2023, New York University, Sogang University, TAMC 2023, UEA North America 2023, UEA Summer School 2023, University of Alberta, University of California - Irvine, University of Southern California, Wharton
    Awards: AREUEA Dissertation Award Honorable Mention, Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship Finalist, NARSC Student-Authored Competition Finalist
  • The Long Road to Equality: Racial Capital and Group Convergence across Generations
  • [Draft coming soon!] | [Abstract]
    Presentation: AREUEA, Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Harvard University, McGill University, UEA Europe 2023 - Keynote, University of Southern California, University of Utah, Vanderbilt, Wharton
  • Separate and Unequal: Race and the Geography of the American Housing Market
  • Presentation: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


  • Neighborhood Access for Voucher Holders: The Impact of Institutional Landlords
  • Rental Choice Sets in Low- and High-Opportunity Neighborhoods for Housing Choice Voucher Program Participants